3 Key Benefits of an Electric Wheelchair

3 Key Benefits of an Electric Wheelchair

Electric wheelchairs are a fantastic solution to have available to you. While a manual chair may be a bit simpler for transport purposes, electric chairs have a ton of valuable perks as well. Here are some tips on why it may be the time to make the switch to an electric wheelchair.

  • Added Mobility

Wheelchairs already add a great deal more versatility in activities available to the users. Their added speed, power efficiency, and overall mobility increase extends what’s available to you as a user. You’re able to go further for longer, and use less energy to do so. With this extended range of mobility, you increase your own independence as well.

  • Independence Increased With Electric Wheelchairs

Electric wheelchairs give you the opportunity to go out on your own. This minimizes necessary assistance and provides a larger safety net in the fear of falling factors outside and inside of the home. 

  • Wallet-Friendly Value

With the value provided, electric wheelchairs are extremely wallet-friendly. Strictly based on the amount of fatigue avoided on a daily basis allows the operator to not be restricted in motion.

The battery life on a wheelchair also often lasts upwards of a year or two. This allows for you to invest in a long term solution for mobility with the intention of keeping your chair for several years. With proper maintenance, you can extend the battery life of your unit and keep your systems running efficiently to far outlast the upfront cost. The next step is finding the perfect chair for your needs.

Which Electric Wheelchair’s Perfect for Me?

An electric wheelchair is right for you in any case you are able to make the upgrade from a manual. Most new users worry about the elements and losing battery power in an unsafe location, rendering them stranded. However, since the systems are water-resistant and prepared for the elements, you shouldn’t see any performance issues or times of year you can’t use the chair. Having an electric wheelchair at a minimum as an option for daily activity is absolutely crucial. This enforces your sustainment of activities available to you,  

Find the Wheelchair Right for You!

Take a look at our electric wheelchairs to see the variety of options we’ve made available to you. With our extensive inventory, we’re certain you’ll find the exact chair that meets your needs. For any questions, feel free to consult our contact form. We’ll assess your needs and assist with any additional questions you might have. We’re looking forward to speaking with you soon!





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